We believe that we are heading for the day when stadiums will be filled with believers, not to hear the latest Christian music or the most popular Christian speaker, but because the Holy Spirit is calling the Body of Christ to come together in massive, united, extraordinary prayer gatherings that will contend for nationwide spiritual awakening. We believe these gatherings will consist of the 2 generations (according to Joel 2:16) — the elders and the youth. The unity of the generations along with the fulfilment of the requirements of “solemn assemblies” (according to Joel 2:12-17 and 2 Chronicles 714) create the momentum for the Holy Spirit in transformational ways in our nation.
Help resource this vision by donating to United Prayer. Give by direct deposit to the account details below. All donations to United Prayer must be referenced as “United Prayer”. Thank you for your generosity - it goes a long way to the achievement of the dream!
account name: maroondah city church
BANK: National Australia Bank
BSB: 083-343
ACCOUNT NO.: 515546846
Any questions regarding giving, please contact the Maroondah City Church office at:
Maroondah City Church
320-340 Wonga Road, Warranwood, VIC 3134
03 9879 0550; office@mcchurch.org.au