CONTEND 2024 is a prayer gathering focused on establishing righteous government
The Bible commands us to pray for our government. We are a nation in need of righteous government — a government that exalts the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that loves the unborn, that honours the principles of the Word of God, and cooperates with His purposes for the spread of the Gospel.
The establishing of righteous government will not be achieved by mere political activism or democratic voting, but by worship and intercession with fasting, because the “weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). We are called to something higher than political activism — we are called to governmental intercession.
Let’s join together in united, extraordinary prayer for the establishing of righteous government in Victoria, for Australia, and for the outbreak of Revival across the land.

United Prayer Gathering 2024
At United Prayer, our heart beats for the Body of Christ to gather in united, extraordinary prayer for the salvation of our generation and the transformation of our nation.
No egos. No logos. Just a genuine desire to stand before God with brothers and sisters in Christ, asking the Father to pour His Spirit out on our dry and thirsty land.
Our message has not changed: when all hope seems lost, the Father has a divine solution, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a solemn assembly” (Joel 2:15). We are living in a time when the Message of Jesus Christ (the Gospel) is in decline in our nation. The latest Australian census shows an alarming decline among major Christian denominations (click here for more info). If there ever was a time to pray, it’s NOW!
Australia is in dire need of a “Jesus Revolution” — we must experience spiritual revival or we perish. But there is much to hope for because the Christian movement has altered the course of history and nations by engaging in biblical and Spirit-inspired calls to corporate prayer.
HELP SPREAD THE WORD! Download the resources below and help United Prayer mobilise churches to this citywide prayer gathering.

ROAR 2024: A Gathering Of Esthers
60 percent of Australian church attenders are women. We believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to mobilise this large army of women to UNITED, EXTRAORDINARY PRAYER in response to Psalm 68:11, “The Lord gives the Word, a great army of women proclaim it.”
We aim to gather 300 Christian women — ESTHERS who have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this — to a United Prayer Gathering for the purpose of worship, extraordinary prayer, even fasting, and for equipping in and releasing into prophetic intercession.

CONTEND2023: The Revival of the Bread, the Cup, and the Oil
There is great hope for Revival in our nation when the Christian Church gets radical about the Bread, the Cup, and the Oil.
The State of Victoria is desperate for righteous government. We are desperate for a government that exalts the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that loves the unborn, that honours the principles of the Word of God, and cooperates with His purposes for the spread of the Gospel.
The establishing of righteous government will not be won by mere political activism or democratic voting, but by worship and intercession with fasting, because the “weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Let’s join together in united, extraordinary prayer for the establishing of righteous government in Victoria, and for the outbreak of Revival across the state. This will be a 1.5-hour prayer gathering, highlighted by a significant time of COMMUNION — the partaking of the BREAD and the CUP. We will also apply ANOINTING OIL as we contend in prayer.
The 2023 UnitedPrayer Gathering
Calling all Pastors, Reverends and other church leaders, as well as any intercessors and those who are passionate about prayer to join us for the annual United Prayer Gathering.
Witness the power of a "Jesus Revolution" as He reverses the crisis of our time! Australia is in desperate need of a nationwide, spiritual Revival to avoid perishing.
At this very moment, Australian society is undergoing a monumental shift, redefining the very foundations of marriage, family, and gender identity. Suicides and mental health issues are reaching alarming levels, while addiction tightens its grip on the younger generation. The acceptance of abortion as a norm reflects a desensitized society that has lost its moral compass. Adding to these concerns, there's a growing perception that the Christian church is irrelevant, outdated, and unsafe, resulting in a loss of momentum as we move towards the future. Despite claiming material wealth, our nation is spiritually and morally impoverished.
Psalm 11:3 asks a crucial question: "When the foundations are shaken, what will the righteous do?" As followers of Christ, we must answer the sacred call of Joel 2:15: "Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly." Our response to the crisis of our time should be fasting and prayer, not indulgence and distraction. There is hope for Australia in the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14: if God's people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from wickedness, He will respond with a nationwide, spiritual Revival that will heal and restore our nation.
The battle for our nation's soul and the shaping of its history is upon us. How will we respond? Join us in our mission as we stand together in this critical endeavor.

RUMBLE is a prayer meeting for intercessors, church leaders, and believers who strongly identify with United Prayer’s assignments and are committed to praying until these prophetic assignments and Kingdom-purposes are birthed, sustained, and fulfilled. RUMBLE is not a rally — it is a smaller, focused, prayer meeting hosted monthly by UnitedPrayer.
RUMBLE is attended by youth and adults from various churches who understand that citywide and history-making Revival is a result of united, extraordinary prayer among churches.
9:30AM: Arrival
9:45AM: RUMBLE starts
11:30AM: RUMBLE ends

UnitedPrayer Event with Ps. Jerome Ocampo
You’re invited to a special UnitedPrayer event with guest speaker, PS. JEROME OCAMPO (founder of Jesus Revolution Now)!
In November 2001, an approximated 150,000 believers gathered in Manila (Philippines) for a solemn assembly that lasted 16 hours. This prayer gathering of believers from across denominations in the Philippines and attended by believers from Korea, Japan, Germany and the US was spearheaded by the leadership and prophetic voice of Ps. Jerome Ocampo, founder of Jesus Revolution Now and Senior Pastor of Jesus Flock Church (Metro Manila).
From that solemn assembly, a groundswell of prayer gatherings started to spread like wildfire across cities and towns in the Philippines, and beyond the Philippines!
Hear Ps. Jerome’s heart as he prophetically speaks into what brings nationwide spiritual awakening in communities, cities, and nations.

We seek to gather 200 intercessors and believers to pray along the Yarra River, to dig again the wells of Revival in Melbourne that have been stopped up by godless humanism and extreme, progressive ideologies.
At this prayer event, we will be blasting trumpets and shofars as a declaration that the presence of God is coming upon Melbourne to bring covenant love and Revival power, as God’s people prepare for His arrival with humility, repentance, and worship. We will also be taking Communion — the Bread and the Cup — together.
Historically, Melbourne has been the birthplace of Revivals that have spread across different parts of Australia. There is something strategic about our city when it comes to Kingdom-purposes and Revival movements that influence the nation. We believe that God is ready to do it again through a grassroots movement of united, extraordinary prayer and fasting.
Do you have a shofar or trumpet? We want to hear from you. Please email us: unitedprayerau@gmail.com. A key component of this prayer gathering is the blowing of trumpets and shofars as we pray and declare God’s prophetic promises over our city.

CONTEND: 1 OCTOBER 2022, 4-6:30PM
CONTEND 2022 is a prayer gathering focused on the upcoming Victorian State Elections.
(We are having difficulties with the website. Please note that the time for this event is 4-6:30PM.)
The State of Victoria is desperate for righteous government. We are desperate for a government that exalts the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that loves the unborn, that honours the principles of the Word of God, and cooperates with His purposes for the spread of the Gospel.
The establishing of righteous government will not be won by mere political activism or democratic voting, but by worship and intercession with fasting, because the “weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Let’s join together in united, extraordinary prayer for the establishing of righteous government in Victoria, and for the outbreak of Revival across the state.
(We are having difficulties with the website. Please note that the time for this event is 4-6:30PM.)

Do you have a passion to see Spirit-led, grassroots Christian churches gather for massive, united, extraordinary prayer and fasting?
Are you a pastor or church leader pursuing Revival? You might be a youth pastor/worker seeking to ignite something more radical and above the norm in the lives of the youth you lead? Or you might be someone who simply longs to see Australia turn back to God, to see our generation experience a nationwide spiritual awakening?
Know more about United Prayer’s dream of gathering churches in Melbourne to a massive prayer gathering in 2023. This 30th of July, United Prayer is hosting a ROUNDTABLE meeting of church pastors & church leaders, youth pastors & youth leaders, marketplace leaders, and believers who are passionate for the Body of Christ to fulfil the requirements of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Joel 2:15.
Whether you’re a leader in the church or in the marketplace, or a Christ-follower burdened by the spiritual & moral climate of our nation, we seek your collaboration & partnership.
You’re invited to UNITED PRAYER ROUNDTABLE: a vision-casting prayer meeting towards the mobilising of the Body of Christ across denominational & generational lines to gather in united prayer & fasting in 2023.
Please let us know you’re coming & who you’re coming with by registering for ROUNDTABLE.
FURNACE is a prayer meeting for intercessors and believers who strongly identify with United Prayer’s assignments and are committed to praying until these prophetic assignments and Kingdom-purposes are birthed, sustained, and fulfilled.
This is not a rally or large gathering. Instead, FURNACE is a smaller prayer meeting of intercessors, believers and worshippers.
9:30-9:40AM arrival time
9:40-11AM prayer meeting

ROAR: a gathering of Esthers
60 percent of Australian church attenders are women. We believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to mobilise this large army of women to UNITED, EXTRAORDINARY PRAYER in response to Psalm 68:11, “The Lord gives the Word, a great army of women proclaim it.”
We aim to gather 200 Christian women — ESTHERS who have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this — to a United Prayer Gathering for the purpose of worship, extraordinary prayer, even fasting, and for equipping in and releasing into prophetic intercession.
Stacey Hilliar, Executive Pastor at Neuma Church, will be our guest speaker. Ps. Stacey oversees the prophetic pillar of Neuma Church globally. She is passionate about empowering people to live in their God-given calling whether that be through developing their prophetic gifting, worship leading, developing creativity, preaching and leadership coaching. Alongside her husband and four children, Stacey loves building the local church and people!
(Tickets are not essential but will help with the planning of the event.)

This is the second LEAD-UP prayer meeting to the Yarra River Prayer Meeting (22 January 2022, 9-11AM).
All participants to the Yarra River Prayer Meeting are encouraged to attend at least one of the LEAD-UP prayer meetings (18 & 20 January 2022, 7-8:30PM) where there will be teaching, impartation, and personal ministry.

This is the first LEAD-UP prayer meeting to the Yarra River Prayer Meeting (22 January 2022, 9-11AM).
All participants to the Yarra River Prayer Meeting are encouraged to attend at least one of the LEAD-UP prayer meetings (18 & 20 January 2022, 7-8:30PM) where there will be teaching, impartation, and personal ministry.
The focus of this FURNACE is the release of Revival and the establishing of righteousness and justice in government. Victoria is at a crossroads and God desires to extend His influence over this state so that His purposes will be established. Registration helps us plan better, use the button below.
FURNACE is a meeting of intercessors who strongly identify with United Prayer’s assignments and are committed to praying until these prophetic assignments and Kingdom-purposes are birthed, sustained, and fulfilled. This is not a rally; instead, FURNACE is a prayer meeting of intercessors and worshippers.
9:30AM: Doors Open
10AM: FURNACE Session
FURNACE will also be livestreamed on Facebook.com/UnitedPrayerCall.
Our focus this FURNACE is the release of Revival and the establishing of righteousness in government, as well as Luke 1:17 (Reconciliation Assignment). Tickets essential. ALL WELCOME. Click button below.
FURNACE is a meeting of intercessors who strongly identify with United Prayer’s assignments and are committed to praying until these prophetic assignments and Kingdom-purposes are birthed, sustained, and fulfilled. This is not a rally; instead, FURNACE is a small prayer meeting of intercessors and worshippers.
9:45-10AM arrival time
10-11AM prayer meeting
FURNACE will also be livestreamed on Facebook.com/UnitedPrayerCall.

As part of the Day of Fasting and Humbling on 18 September, United Prayer is hosting a Furnace Prayer Meeting led by Pastors and Leaders across Melbourne. Our prayer leaders include:
Dan Parker, Senior Pastor of Kingston City Church
Matthew Law, Senior Pastor of Doncaster City Church
Alex Barcenas, Senior Pastor of Fire Church Frankston
Paul Magno, Lead Pastor of Maroondah City Church
You can join this Furnace Prayer Meeting on Zoom or watch it on Facebook livestream, (make sure to follow facebook.com/UnitedPrayerCall.
To join on Zoom, use the details below.
Meeting ID: 835 3407 2656
Invite link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83534072656
No passcode needed.

In the Bible, the purpose of fasting is humbling. Fasting is a scripturally ordained way for us to humble ourselves before the Lord, both personally (Psalm 35:13) and corporately (Jonah 3:6-9; Joel 2:15). Humbling is one of 4 key requirements outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that, when fulfilled, results in spiritual revival, restoration, and healing of the land.
United Prayer invites you to join together with other Christ-believers across Melbourne for a day of prayer and fasting on 18 September 2021 (Saturday). All who want to join this day of fasting are encouraged to engage in a water-only fast, from 6PM of 17 September until 6PM of 18 September (a 24-hour period). Or alternatively, please seek the Lord, as well as medical/expert advice where necessary, for a fast than you can engage in safely and significantly.
United Prayer will also be hosting an online prayer meeting (via Zoom and on Facebook livestream) on 18 September, 9:30-11:30AM. More details to come.
If you’re planning on joining the fast, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at unitedprayerau@gmail.com.

In this prayer gathering, we will be contending for the ending of abortion and the release of adoption, and for the turning of the hearts of fathers to the children.
What to expect at this Prayer Gathering?
Come ready to pray in a way you never have before. During the rally, much time will be dedicated to corporate and “out loud” prayer, to prayer in small groups, and to praise and worship that’s expressive and vibrant. Any preaching from the platform is designed to release the gathered crowd into extraordinary prayers of faith, in the spirit of unity.
To register, follow the link below.