Our calling is to create a place where Spirit-led, grassroots churches gather for extraordinary, corporate prayer and fasting to establish God's power and purposes in communities across Australia.
UNITED PRAYER is a bible-based and Spirit-inspired response to the crucial times we live in. When the nation is in crisis, when the loving purposes of God seem to have been frustrated, when all hope seems lost, God’s Word has given His people a heavenly strategy for victory. Two key passages from the Bible frame the emphasis of UNITED PRAYER:
Joel 2:15-16 says, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly. Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children.”
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
The heart of UNITED PRAYER is to gather churches and, specifically, two generations of God’s people (the elders and the youth) to sacred assemblies – catalytic gatherings marked by prayer and fasting that, as shown in Scripture and history, have the power to shape the destiny of nations towards righteousness, salvation in Jesus' name, and the worship of Almighty God.
UNITED PRAYER is extremely vertical – our audience is God, not the lost or the crowd. Our aim is to bring the people in attendance to a place of radical agreement & harmony in prayer, as we declare and establish God’s favour for our nation through intercession and prophetic proclamations.
Our goal is for unity among the Christians and churches present, and for the demonstration of extraordinary prayer in Jesus’ name. In contrast to ordinary and average prayer, we believe that the united, extraordinary prayers of God’s people - which includes corporate fasting - has the power to shape the destiny of our nation.
UNITED PRAYER is patterned after biblical examples of solemn assemblies.
In times of national crisis, God called Israel to corporate gatherings of prayer, fasting, and repentance. These solemn assemblies were pivotal to the deliverance and victory of Israel over invading armies, disasters, and plagues. Solemn assemblies also highlighted the power of unity in releasing the purposes of God. The unity of God's people, expressed especially in prayer, is close to God's heart and irresistible to His conditions for Revival. (Some examples of solemn assemblies: 2 Chronicles 20, Joel 2, Acts 4:23-31)
UNITED PRAYER seeks to call the Youth into their destiny as Revivalists.
In Psalm 110:3, the Bible describes a movement of Youth that will extend the gracious reign of Christ even over those who oppose Him, "Your troops will be willing on Your day of battle; Arrayed in holy splendour, Your youth will come to you like dew from the morning's womb." We believe that UNITED PRAYER serves as a catalyst to release a new generationof Revivalists in our nation.
UNITED PRAYER intercedes to reverse the impact of fatherlessness in this generation.
Luke 1:17 describes a supernatural dynamic: when the hearts of fathers turn to the children, Heaven responds by turning the hearts of a disobedient generation towards righteousness. This movement towards righteousness at a national level is historically referred to as spiritual awakenings.
UNITED PRAYER seeks to glorify Christ, not human personalities.
Speakers and musicians at UNITED PRAYER will not be publicised and will join the event out of a volunteer-spirit. We recognise that God exalts people and churches to places of great prominence, but at UNITED PRAYER our heart is to keep the attention on God and His purposes.
United PRAYER is founded on the finished work of Christ.
Our place of authority is not in how loud we scream or how eloquently we pray; it is established in the Cross of Christ and who we have become in relation to the Cross.
United Prayer is spearheaded by a small, strong team with a burden to pursue the mission of the ministry. We work together to:
host outstanding gatherings and assembles for earnest and solemn prayer and fasting.
reach pastors and believers to engage them in extraordinary corporate prayer meetings.
provide support to UnitedPrayer partners for gatherings they are responsible and mobilising for.
develop resources that equip others to pursue the UnitedPrayer mission.
provide outstanding training and equipping programs for discipleship and leadership development in prayer-centred ministry.
engage in intercessory prayer for the ministry and to lead prayer in our gatherings.
raise finances for the ministry.
continually find opportunities to partner with others and “give away” local expressions of UnitedPrayer.
The UnitedPrayer Team are:
Ps. Paul Magno
Ps. Matthew Law
Kirsten Jack
Bella Hunt
Catlin Healy
“If My people…”
“If My people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then i will hear from heaven, and i will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 chron. 7:14