Day 6 of 12-Day Devotions | 8 May 2021 | Paul Magno
All life and all persons who ever lived, including all the unborn who were terminated in the womb, were known fully by our Heavenly Father as fully alive and fully human, in the fullness of their personhood. What each person is, born or unborn, was fully present in the mother’s womb.
When you were formed in the womb, God, our Heavenly Father, created YOU and He knew you. You were fully alive in God your Creator and He intimately and personally knew you. He had friendship with you – He knew you as a person…your personality, destiny, gifts, talents, and uniqueness. And in the womb He wraps you in a human body to be and live ON EARTH, the YOU that He knew you to be
The Bible is SO ABUNDANTLY CLEAR about this In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Please highlight the word “before”; every person is known by God not merely while they were being formed in the womb, but even before they were being formed in the womb! Scripturally, therefore, we cannot help but affirm that each person, born or unborn, was fully human and fully alive before God even in their mother’s womb.
And this is why abortion is wrong. Abortion is definitely not the removal of blobs of cells or clumps of tissues, but the termination of human life and the abortion of God’s dream within that human life.
My heart (Paul) is to make you aware that in this world, there are forces who are using every resource possible to convince you to be either indifferent towards abortion at best or to treat it as normal and necessary. These forces are spending trillions of dollars to convince us that the evil of abortion is good, normal, and essential to humanity. Of course, nothing can be further from the truth! If we cannot defend and nurture life at its most vulnerable state, how can we say we value life at all?
The greatest threat to abortion within the Christian Church is the indifference of believers towards this injustice. My prayer is for the Christian Church to rediscover its voice in this arena and sound a clarion call within the Body of Christ to stand in the gap for the unborn, both in prayer and action.
Father, forgive me for being indifferent towards abortion. Today, I align my heart with yours and my mind with the truth of Scripture regarding abortion. Today, I resolve to fight for the unborn and to defend life at its most vulnerable state. In Jesus’ name, amen.