On Australia Day Weekend 2020, churches and leaders and youth are converging for a day of united, extraordinary prayer and fasting. Our goal is to be a catalyst for a grassroots, “nameless & faceless” prayer movement that will contend for nationwide spiritual awakening. When our nation is in crisis and love for God has grown cold, it’s time for God’s people to pray and seek His face! We will contend for the release of Christ’s power and purposes in communities and cities all across the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.
“Australia will have a heart of fire.”
In the book, Heart of Fire, Barry Chant likens the spiritual life of Australia to Ayers Rock. Barry writes,
“Geographically and spiritually, Australia has a heart of stone. Never has it known a really widespread spiritual awakening. Revival movements have come and gone…yet the heart remains hard. Ayers Rock is known for its dramatic changes of colour. From morning dawn to evening dusk, it ranges from brilliant orange to deep purple as it flirts with the sun. Such fickleness likewise typifies spiritual Australia. Revival springs up, only to die again.”
But Heart of Fire promises great hope — that Australia will have a heart of fire and, by the grace of God, her heart of fire will burn even brighter yet!
We believe that it is for this purpose that United Prayer exists: to stoke Australia’s heart of fire by calling Spirit-led, grassroots churches to gather for extraordinary, corporate fasting and prayer. We believe that if we fulfill the biblical requirements found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Joel 2:15ff, by God’s grace we will experience a nationwide spiritual awakening — a Revival that springs up, never to die again!
United Prayer
UNITED PRAYER is called to create a place where Spirit-led, grassroots churches gather for extraordinary, corporate prayer and fasting to establish God’s power and purposes in communities across Australia.
“We mastered the skill of engaging culture, but we have lost the art of engaging heaven.”
In the Bible, during times of great calamity and disaster, God’s purposes were released and established in the earth through prayer and fasting. In these times of overwhelming crisis where there was no ray of hope, no human solution — the remedy that God prescribed was united fasting: “Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a solemn assembly” (Joel 2:15).
The source of all victory and deliverance is eternally set on the Cross of Christ, and the means of appropriation and application of the victory of the Cross in times of national crisis is through prayer and fasting. Prayer alone is not sufficient; prayer has to be accompanied by fasting, repentance, and extraordinary humility before the Lord. Australia’s greatest hope as a nation is a widespread, national awakening brought about by a movement of prayer and fasting.